In this edition of Ashley Hudson’s intriguing United States of True Crime series, she focuses on the Sunshine state. In a still shocking chapter, Michelle Parker went missing the day she appeared on a pre-taped episode of the popular courtroom show, The People’s Court. The day she disappeared in 2011, she dropped off her kids with their father, and hasn’t been seen since. The family remains hopeful she will be found one day, but the general belief is that Parker is no longer with us.
Hudson includes some still unsolved mysteries, such as the Miami Canal murders. She also features the Sun Gym gang, and their demise. The thugs kidnapped a millionaire, tutored him until he signed away all of his assets. Marc Schiller was the perfect target as he was a fraudster himself. However, their luck ran out when they killed two victims before they could surrender their assets.
In “United States of True Crime: Florida,” Hudson outlines the criminal careers of the state’s serial killers – Aileen Wuornos, who gained national notoriety being a female serial killer, the Jacksonville Strangler, the deranged Hangman Killer, the prolific killer Paul John Knowles (dubbed the Casanova Killer), and the Killer Clown, Sheila Keen Warren. Hudson is a phenomenal true crime story teller, and as always, she provides gripping narration!
Other interesting stories involve a man that was innocent, but was convicted of a rape involving Eddie Mosley. The falsely convicted man would be posthumously exonerated due to DNA testing. A self described messiah that preached white hate, that would be convicted on a conspiracy to commit murder. Hudson also includes a story of a crime that went unsolved for decades, and a contracted hit.
By: Ashley Hudson
Narrated by: Ashley Hudson
Length: 3 hrs and 57 mins
Publisher: True Crime Publishing Company LLC